A college education may get you a degree, but it won’t guarantee that you’ll land a job. If you’re dissatisfied with your current job and are looking to jumpstart your career, consider an HVAC trade school. At HVAC Technical Institute, we help students from the Lombard, IL, area get the practical training they need to enter the workforce as a certified technician.
The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning industry has an unusually high growth rate of 14 percent, so you can be confident that the expertise you gain will not go to waste. Qualified workers with HVAC training are in high demand right now, and you can expect to earn over $50,000 annually when you complete your certification.
One of the reasons students around Lombard, IL, choose our HVAC trade school is because of our small class sizes and experienced instructors. We are staffed by technicians with a total of 65 years of experience in the HVAC industry. Our instructors’ on-the-job experience combined with a hands-on curriculum will fortify you with the skills you need to excel in your new career.
Our courses are broken down into seven categories, including:
At the completion of our program, you will be prepared to start a fulfilling career in the HVAC industry. For more information about our HVAC training program, call us today at